News 2016


12 Apr 2016

"Our objective is to be the most competitive team"

"Our objective is to be the most competitive team"

The coach of Kaiku Producha, Emilio Laka, value the preaseason of Sestao's club and he is ambicious for the next San Miguel League edition

Kaiku Producha´s team has started the preaseason very ambicious to be one of the best team of San Miguel League. Obtain the CaixaBank Crown this year is going to be very demanding and the rowers of Emilio Laka knows it.

The 'kaikutarras' are working very hard on "good preseason, because this year we have very good team and we have a lot of faith in them", explains the coach Emilio Laka. The trainer of the 'Bizkaitarra' is very happy with the trainings that they are doing, "we had very good winter, we don't have excuses, we are doing very good practices and winning faith".

In Emilio Laka's opinion, "the season is going to be very demanding", for that, the challenge that 'kaikutarra' rowing boat set out is, "practice more and better than the rest". He thinks that, "some rowing boats are going to give a surprise". For that, the rowers of Emilio Laka are "cautious" doing the practice.

To get the objective of "be the most competitive team of San Miguel League", the team has "new good rowers with expirience on the category". 

The fight for de CaixaBank Crown is going to be vibrating, and Kaiku Producha is preparing for that to be one of the best team of San Miguel League.
